baby-200760_640Authoritative parenting is the most recommended parenting method by experts. It involves the parents setting rules and guidelines, on the understanding that clear standards need to be set for the child.

Obviously culture and social influences play a part in the type of parenting you use, but overall, there are four main methods of parenting. Below I outline these different styles, along with their main qualities and criteria.

Authoritative parenting

This is the parenting skill most recommended by experts. Authoritative parenting involves the parents set rules and guidelines, on the understanding that clear standards need to be set for your child.

This is a democratic method of parenting, based on being assertive but not intrusive or restrictive. The focus for authoritative parenting is on nurturing and forgiving, rather than punishing a child for any wrongdoing.

By monitoring and setting clear standards for your child, you’ll remain open and responsive to your child’s needs – and be willing to listen to any questions they may have.

Authoritative parents want to raise assertive, socially responsible, co-operative and self-regulated children – children that grow up happy, capable and with a mindset towards success.

Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parenting demands that the child follows rules established by parents – and they are punished if they fail to live by those rules.

The problem with authoritarian parenting is the failure to explain the reasoning behind these rules – the most common response to questioning these rules is often met with “because I said so”.

Authoritarian parents tend to be high demanding parents that are not responsive to the needs of their children.

This type of parenting is obedience and status orientated, which leads to obedient, proficient child – but who tend to suffer from a lower level of happiness, social competence and self-esteem.

Permissive Parenting

Permissive parents are indulgent parents with very few demands. They rarely discipline because of their own low expectations on maturity and self-control.

This type of non-traditional parenting is responsive rather than demanding and the most lenient as it allows for large amounts of self-regulation and avoids most forms of confrontation.

Nurturing and communicative, the parent tends to take on the role of a friend rather than parent – leading to a child that has a low level of happiness and self-regulation, more likely to experience problems with authority and have poor performance in school.

Uninvolved Parenting

Uninvolved parents have little communication with their children; they have few demands, and a low responsiveness to their needs.

They fulfil the child’s basic needs but are detached from child’s life – leading to children that lack self control, low self esteem and are less competent.

So what type of mummy are you? After reading the above definitions, are you looking to actively change the parenting methods you use? Have you found yourself copying the parenting style of your parents or peers? Why not share your thoughts and opinions in the comments box below!

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