It’s taken a few weeks to set up but I’m launching the Carers’ Clinic in a few days!


What is the Carers’ Café?

A daily free online forum for frontline nurses, midwives and health visitors to have a virtual tea and a chat.


Who is it for?

For nurses, midwives and health visitors that live and work in England.


Why did I set it up?

I am a nurse, midwife and health that lives and work in London, the epicentre of the Coronavirus and COVID19 in The UK.  Until a few weeks ago, I was working on the frontline in an inner-London borough.  Unfortunately, I was floored by COVID19 and was terrified about my fate.  At the peak of my illness, I could not breath and still remember how terrified I was waiting about 1hour 42minites for the call made to 111 in the middle of the night.  Horrible thoughts plagued my head and I could not sleep.  What compounded my feelings, was the immense guilt I had about my son contracting the disease from me.

I still remember him asking as he struggled to breath, if we were going to die.  With tears rolling down my eyes, I responded that I did not know, but hoped that we did not.

Thankfully, we both pulled through, although it has taken a few weeks.

Unfortunately, my uncle who also contracted the disease, succumbed to it and died.  It’s been a tough time for my family, especially as we have all have to support my 95-year old nan, virtually.  But we continue to rise to the challenge, depending on each member of my family for support.

I would love to do the same with my nursing and midwifery family.  I am on numerous social media groups and online forums.  I regularly read the anxiety and fears that many of my colleagues face on a daily basis.  The worry of infecting family members and loved ones.  The anxiety of not have adequate Personal Protective Equipment.  The stress of being redeployed and having to embrace new ways of working.  And many other concerns that keep you up at night.

I have now been advised that I am in a high-risk group and have to self-isolate for 12 weeks.  However, I would love to support you.  Hence, the rationale for creating a virtual forum to support you.  To be a listening ear and a sounding-board with fellow nurses and midwives, so that you do not feel alone during this crisis.


When is The Carers’ Café?

Online! Every evening at 10pm.


How can you access it?

  • Secure your place at The Carers’ Café beforehand.
  • Await conformation of your place.
  • A few minutes before the café starts, get the beverage of your choice and log in a few minutes before 10PM.
  • Relax on your sofa and connect with colleagues and I online.


What can you expect from the Carers’ Café?

What am I bringing to the Carers’ Café?

I am a Mindset Expert, Clinical Restorative Supervisor and Mental Health First Trainer.  An aspect of my recent Churchill Fellowship studied how to reduce vicarious trauma in healthcare professionals.

Looking forward to seeing you online!

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